At the moment, we do not have the capability to offer the convenience of uploading and downloading files from our website. We appreciate your patience, and ask that you simply follow the directions below.
1) Please complete the form below, should you have any forthcoming editing service requests. Please remember to include any special instructions or special requests.
2) Once your form has been submitted, we will reply with a quote for your editing project, as well as instructions for online payment through the PayPal link on the "My Shopping Cart" page. Payment in full for the editing service is required upon completion by our editors. (In the cases when you require one of our faster services (Next Day or 2-Day), please feel free to e-mail us directly with your file attachment. Your payment will then be due upon our completion of your editing project, which we strive to achieve with ample time before your deadline request.)
editing and technical writing service requests, please contact us
directly via email or complete the form on the "Contact Us" page. We will send an invoice via PayPal. We apologize for this inconvenience.
3) Your file can then be transmitted via e-mail (if less than 10 mb) to the following address:
4) Once your project has been completed by us, we will transmit the file (if less than 10 mb) back to you via e-mail. If your file is >10mb, Google Drive upload will be utilized.
**We also extend our services to hard-copy editing. Approximate shipping-and-handling fees will be added to the editing quote.**